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Notes sur le tag : civil religion

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What is French ”Laïcité” (laicity)?

Our French President has recently drawn criticism after one of his speeches during his visit to the Vatican . In front of the highest Roman Catholic Clergy, he emphasized the importance of the French "christian roots" (mainly Catholic), while he also pleaded for a "positive" version of "laïcité" ( laicity , sometimes translated by secularism). Click to continue But many French...

Publié le 02/01/2008 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Religion and American Politics

In French, we describe a cliche or an extremely common topic as a «tarte à la crème» (cream pie). Sweet and familiar taste but difficult to digest. In this regard, «Religion and Politics in America» is a typical «tarte à la crème». A very good (and important) topic, but hard to digest. Too many books, too many opinions, too many passions. This particular book, however, deserves to be...

Publié le 04/12/2007 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

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